Vial-based auto-injector solution enables continued treatment for patients unable to access healthcare facilities

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise and its impact was unprecedented around the globe, no more so than in the healthcare field. Recent months have highlighted the important role of healthcare providers, medical device suppliers and pharmaceutical companies in accelerating the development and introduction of new vaccines and medical treatments, which have mitigated …

Vial-based auto-injector solution enables continued treatment for patients unable to access healthcare facilities Read More »

Meeting the Need for High-Volume Drug Delivery with On-Body Bolus Injectors

In this article, Tsachi Shaked, Managing Director and Chief Business Officer at E3D, argues that on-body injectors present a safe and viable solution for high-volume drug delivery. As the covid-19 crisis continues, many regular hospital visits and scheduled surgeries have been cancelled or put on hold, due to concerns about over-burdened hospital resources as well …

Meeting the Need for High-Volume Drug Delivery with On-Body Bolus Injectors Read More »

‘COVID 19 Updates’

Keeping the spirits up Elcam & E3D are taking the necessary steps in response to the #COVID19 situation protecting our employees and providing continuous support to our customers; while continuing efforts in full capacity as all Elcam facilities have been recognized by the local authorities as an essential facility during these times. Click here to read more.